Saiba qual a documentação necessária para contratar um financiamento de motocicleta. | Jornal na Net

Find out what documentation is required to hire a motorcycle loan.

Published by Carolina on


The motorcycle is a means of transport widely used throughout Brazil. It is practical, economical and very versatile for both cities and rural areas. Therefore, motorcycle financing ends up being a purchase option for many people.

Having a motorcycle makes the day to day of people who own it easier, another important point that brings advantages over owning a car is the economy of it. We can say that fuel economy, for example, while an economy car runs an average of 10 km with 1 liter of fuel, a 150-cylinder motorcycle is capable of running more than 30 km.



Let's talk below about the documentation needed to carry out a motorcycle financing.

Required Documentation

Financing a motorcycle is not as easy and fast as advertised. In fact, if a single document from the list required by the finance company is not in agreement, your financing is not approved. In this way, this coming and going of documentation is quite stressful for someone who is going to get a financed motorcycle. Therefore, pay close attention when separating documents.
The documentation required to enter into a motorcycle loan is usually as follows:

1- Copy of RG/CPF

Basic personal identification document. Check if your identity card has your CPF number, if not, take a copy of the CPF with you. Or you can also use your Driver's License.

2- Work Card

Would you lend money to someone who doesn't have an income? Yeah, neither do banks and finance companies. So you need to prove income, and this is usually done with the Work Card. Remember, you need at least three months of formal employment to have your credit approved! Some institutions also accept the history of your bank transactions for the last few months, in case you work as a freelancer/informal.

3- Proof of residence

It serves electricity, water, telephone or any other bill that is addressed every month to you. Remembering that you need at least one account in your name. For some banks, it is no use for the account to be in the name of a relative of yours, even if you live in the same house.

And there's no use arguing, the money belongs to the bank and he chooses the rules, so follow the rules of the game. If you don't have any account in your name, talk to those who live with you to transfer the energy bill to your name, so you won't have any problems with this document.

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