Aprenda a ativar o modo bolha do WhatsApp | Jornal na Net

Learn how to activate WhatsApp bubble mode

Published by Carolina on


Nesta matéria, aprenda a ativar o modo bolha do Whatsapp, o que trará uma usabilidade mais cômoda e rápida do app.

Messaging apps, through some types of cell phones, have certain features that can be very useful to improve the user experience.


However, such resources may not be known to everyone.


With that in mind, today we are going to introduce bubble mode, in addition to teaching you how to activate it on your cell phone.

Let's understand more about what bubble mode is below.

What is bubble mode?

A função modo bolha, pode ser usada para diversos aplicativos de mensagens, como o Whatsapp and the Telegram.

With this feature, the user is able to create their social circle through the app.

Using the bubble mode, the user will have shown on the cell phone screen, without having to open the app, the notifications, chats and statuses.

The bubble mode is like a pop-up window, logically shaped like a bubble, where the application icon is shown, in the case of WhatsApp, and allows the user to open and close their chats easily.

Thus, the user will be able to access the contents they want much faster and easier.

How to activate bubble mode?

After learning what the bubble mode feature is, let's move on to activating it on the cell phone, but we emphasize that only devices with the Android system have this feature.

Veja agora, o passo a passo para fazer a ativação do recurso modo bolha para o Whatsapp:

  • Open, on the cell phone, “Settings”;
  • Now, go to “Advanced Features”;
  • Scroll down the screen;
  • Enter the “Floating Notifications” option or the option with a similar name;
  • Tap the Smart View popup;
  • Now, activate the WhatsApp option by moving the switch.

Com o passo a passo concluído, o usuário já poderá utilizar a funcionalidade no aplicativo Whatsapp, e acessar mais rapidamente e com mais comodidade os conteúdos do app.
